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Local Area Plan Croom 2020 existing cycleways [Draft]
Data and Resources
This dataset has no data
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Title | Local Area Plan Croom 2020 existing cycleways |
Description | |
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format | |
Geographic coverage | Local |
Spatial URI | |
Vertical Extent | |
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) | Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157) |
Spatial Resolution(s) | |
Contact Person | Limerick City and County Council |
Contact Person Email | |
Contact Person Telephone | +353 61 556000 |
Update frequency | |
Date dataset released | |
Date dataset updated | |
Period of time covered (begin) | |
Period of time covered (end) | |
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers | |
Landing Page | |
Rights notes | |
High Value Dataset (HVD) | |
High Value Dataset Category | |
Applicable Legislation | |
Version | |
Dataset conforms to these standards | |
Provenance information | |
Language | English |
Expiration Date | |
Theme | |
State | Draft |